The core team consists of Prof. Katja M. Becker, Thomas Kollakowsky and Tatjana Jessen. Depending on the nature of the respective projects and courses, both student and research assistants support the core team.
The Design Team

Prof. Katja M. Becker
Katja M. Becker has been Professor of Media and Interface Design at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences since 2017. She combines her expertise in methodical interdisciplinary-creative thinking with many years of professional experience in communication design.

Thomas Kollakowsky
Thomas Kollakowsky is assistant in research and education. He is also part of the computer graphics laboratory.

Tatjana Jessen
Tatjana Jessen is assistant in research and education with focus on web design, image design and organisation of the Bachelor degree programme.

Nicole Vögele

Katrin Wutzke
Christian Böttger, Research Assistant (Curriculum 4.0)
Tobias Held, Research Assistant (Curriculum 4.0)
Tanja Godlewsky, Research Assistant (Urban Xtopias)
Alessandro Wawer, Master Research Student
Veronika Bremm, Bachelor Research Student
Jan Freienstein, Bachelor Research Student
Judith Humkamp, Bachelor Research Student
Dominik Kurek, Bachelor Research Student
Alison Kurz, Bachelor Research Student
Nicole Pilarski, Bachelor Research Student (Urban Xtpoias)
Tristan Steingen-Gerads, Bachelor Research Student